Infection related information: Appointments must be prearranged by phone. Please cancel appointments, if you have acute symptoms of Covid or Influenca.Therapy and coaching can also be performed online. 

Our practice is dedicated to helping you overcome grief and trauma, depression, sleeping disorders, burn-out, weight problems, relationship stress, phobias, eating disorders, and many other problems. Hospital-, reha-institute- or hospice-visits are possible. We offer hypnosis, EMDR, client-centered psychotherapy, and a forum for philosophical discourse.  Treatment can be given in both English and German.

I have to rely on my heart beyond hardship and death F.W.J. von Schelling (1775 - 1854)
 With its yellow pears
 And laden with wild roses
 The shore hangs into the lake,
 You gracious swans,
 And drunk with kisses
 You dunk your heads
 Into the holy-sober water.

 Woe is me! Where do I find
 When it is winter
 The flowers,
 And where the sunshine
 And shade of the earth?
 Walls stand
 Speechless and cold, in the wind
 The vanes clink.

  Friedrich Hölderlin (1803 - translation by Birgit Hansen)



The poem is entitled "Half of Life"  and Friedrich Hölderlin wrote it when he was aged 35. Based on the average life expectancy in the early nineteenth century, this would have been at the halfway point of his life. Nowadays, we consider ourselves to have reached the halfway point when we are in our mid-forties. But to whom “speechless and cold, in the wind the vanes clink”, the finitude continues to blow and make one shudder.
Becoming aware of finiteness - for example following the loss of a loved one and the associated deep grief - is not an illness. It is an inevitable experience.



It understandably triggers questions - existential questions that need to be given room. If this room is not given the situation can become crisis-ridden. In psychology, one speaks of an adjustment disorder in the event of such a crisis.

Meanwhile, in philosophy, crisis is a creative condition.

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